Indexable Tools Indexable Tools Indexable Tools

Back Counterbores


Back Counterbore


The Back Counter Bore Tools were first Introduced and patented by Vermont Indexable Tooling in the late 1980’s and have since serviced thousands of both domestic and foreign Industries. The Back Counter Bore, or more commonly referred to as a Back Spot Facer, is a versatile tool that is intended to go thru a pre bored hole producing a counter bore on the back side of the hole. The Back Counter Bore may also be used in a lathe setting to profile an ID in a hole. Back Counter Bore Tools are provided with coolant thru the tool, and can be used in a variety of industries including the valve and automotive industries. The Back Spot Facer can be used in a variety of materials, and is commonly made as a custom produced Vermont Indexable tool.

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